Monday, December 27, 2010

Being vague.

People tend to take offense when being Vague. I'm attempting to understand why this is. People have a need to take things seriously, probably because vagueness is a lack of conviction. Vagueness is not having much to say but saying something any way, so its a step up on nothingness. It could also be viewed as the excess of saying nothing. The last point seems to mirror most Relationships, i mean this in all its connotations. The way to avoid vagueness is to write something and over time pad it out with Meaning, this is the same with life, you pad it out over the course of it. This will move a thing away from vagueness but its sort of dishonest, but you can't argue with progress either. That is If you consider a move away from vagueness to be progress. 

I like the device of being vague and will always opt for it over ambiguity. Art dislikes vagueness but will zealously promote ambiguity, because its easier psychologically and there is always the need to believe there is something beyond the superficial. 

Television likes vagueness, it allows viewers to passively participate. It lets you fill the gaps by allowing for gaps, leeway. Its a sort of guided freedom where the amusement is as much in your head as it is the show (some art does this).   



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There is me, then there is you and between us there is a gap. My blogs purpose is to fill this gap plus there will be my artwork and ideas sometimes. Tommy, a piece of me in every home (some day).